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Softr Universe

How to submit your templates to Softr Universe.

Softr Universe is a place where you can discover, share, and celebrate templates created by Softr users. It is a perfect place for you to showcase your Softr skills, generate new leads for your businesses, and be recognized as a top no-coder!

Is this a marketplace?

Not at the moment. You can’t sell your templates directly through Softr Universe.

However, you can use the platform as a lead generation channel for your other templates or services ;)

Who can submit a template?


What are the approval criteria?

To have your template approved by our team, it must meet the following requirements:

The app

  • Must be in English.
  • Must be a dynamic web app that connects to a data source, not a static website.
  • Must be thoroughly tested and not contain any bugs (e.g. link not working, conditional filter errors, etc.)
  • Must follow good user experience practice — clear navigation, intuitive actions, and proper choice of layouts for the use case.
  • Should have a good level of visual and aesthetic. However, we don’t require it to be “commercial-grade” – just a good baseline is fine. If your template is accepted, our design team can help you make it look pretty.
  • Must follow good security practices and define proper user permissions control (e.g. if your app is an internal tool, non-logged-in users should not get to visit main pages.)
  • Some custom code is fine, but please keep it to the very minimum and do not expose your API keys for third-party services.
  • Use page naming conventions and place them in logical order (e.g. more important pages on top and utility pages at the bottom.)
  • Use proper letter casing for page names:
    • Good: Sentence case (capitalize 1st letter only) or Title Case (capitalize 1st letter of each word);
    • Bad: SnailCase, snake_case, and similar.
  • If your app contains user management, please make sure to include proper user-related setup (e.g. auth method, page after sign-in, table connection, reset/forget password, etc.)
  • If your app requires login, please offer login credentials or magic links (make sure they’re domain-agnostic by using only the URL path) on the sign-in page for others to test the app.
  • Though this should go without saying, the template must not contain any offensive or illegal content.
  • Feel free to promote your brand, services, or products within the template. You can also include external links. However, please do so in a natural and tasteful way.
  • For any block that isn’t self-explanatory, please add a note (it’s a native Softr feature) to explain it.

The database

  • Must use proper and consistent naming conventions for your tables and fields:
    • Good: Sentence case (capitalize 1st letter only) or Title Case (capitalize 1st letter of each word);
    • Bad: SnailCase, snake_case, and similar.
  • No special characters in database naming.
  • Must use the proper field types for their intended purpose (e.g. Single select for “Status”).
  • Must have a proper relational database structure. (e.g. “Task” and “Project” should be different tables that get linked using Linked Record field with a many-to-one relationship defined.)
  • Unless your app is advanced, you should rarely have tables over 10 fields. If you find yourself having too many fields, there is a good chance you’re not following proper database design. (i.e. some fields should likely be part of another table.)
  • If your database is in Airtable, it must
    • Not include any view that is not in a Grid layout;
    • Not have an Airtable interface.
  • Must not include unused tables, fields, or views.
  • For any field or table that isn’t self-explanatory, please add a note to explain it.
  • The dummy data used must be meaningful in order to help others understand the template better. Feel free to add some humor, but please keep things professional.
  • Please make sure the content (text, images, etc.) used does not infringe any copyright.

Additional criteria

  • We welcome any use cases! But priority will be given to those that target business use cases and ones we don’t have yet.
  • Add notes and instructions to help users understand how your templates work. Feel free to add such guidance in whatever way you feel is the best (e.g. external article, extra block on a page, Softr’s native Note feature)
  • The more Softr features you showcase, the better! However, keep in mind that templates aren’t meant to be the most complex apps. They should still be somewhat self-explanatory.

How do I submit it?

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Last updated on June 8, 2023