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Forgot Password Form

Forgot password functionality overview.

In this form, users can enter their email to recover their password. As soon as you also set up a Reset Password Form, the user will enter the email address here, receive a recovery link on his/her email, and go to the Reset Password page via the link to provide a new password.

Forgot Password form
Forgot Password form

The animation below shows how that works.

Check out how to change the sender email and name here.
Resetting the Password
Resetting the Password

Now, let's see how the block can be customized.

Logo, Title, and Background Image

This section is configured similar to that of the Signup Form.

Forgot Password form

Block settings
Block settings

Here, you can configure the placeholder text for the Email field and the Recover button. The Action is fixed and cannot be changed.

Confirmation Message

The Confirmation Message is the text that's shown after the user hits Recover Password. You can modify the text here.

Password reset confirmation message
Password reset confirmation message

See below how it works.

Testing the password reset
Testing the password reset
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Last updated on May 9, 2024