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Signin Form

Signin form overview.

Signin Form
Signin Form

Logo, Title, and Background Image

You can configure these features in the Features tab in block settings, which is done the same way as on the Signup Form.

Signin Form

Sign in with Google

If you enable this option, a Sign in with Google button will be added to the form, allowing your users to sign in with their Google Accounts.

Google Signin
Google Signin
To enable Google Signup, you first need to add your Google APP Client details in Integrations => Google Sign In. You can find instructions on getting the Client ID and Client Secret here.

If the Only registered users can sign in toggle is enabled, only the users that already have an account on your Softr app will be able to sign in with Google.

Form Fields

Email and Password

Here, you can configure the Email and Password fields. The placeholder texts of these fields can be modified.

Sign In Button

Lastly, there's the Sign In button. The button Text can be changed, while the Action is predefined and can't be modified.

Forgot Password

You can enable this option to provide your users with a link to a page where they can reset their password. On that page, you simply need to add a Forgot Password block, where the users can enter their email and get a link to do a reset.

Show Signup

You can add an option to go to your Signup page for those users who have landed on your Signin page but don't really have an account in your Softr app yet.

On Signin

Lastly, you should choose which page the users are taken to after signin.

Block visibility

The block is visible to all visitors of the app, and you have no control over its visibility, hence the default visibility setting is set to "Non-logged in users”.

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Last updated on March 28, 2024